
The Modeldata holds timeseries data which is the output of a model and methods to interact with the Google Earth Engine to extract timeseries.


Keep in mind that the Modeldata does not hold gridded data, but timeseries of point extractions at the locations of the stations. Therefore a Modeldata instance is linked to a collection of stations defined by the metadf attribute.

Demo examples on the Modeldata class can be found here: :ref:`Extracting ERA5 timeseries`_ .



Class holding data and methods for a modeldata-timeseries.

Common methods#

Modeldata.add_obstype(Obstype, bandname, ...)

Add a new Observation type for the current Modeldata.

Modeldata.save_modeldata([outputfolder, ...])

Save a Modeldata instance to a (pickle) file.

Modeldata.import_modeldata([folder_path, ...])

Import a modeldata instance from a (pickle) file.

Modeldata.make_plot([obstype_model, ...])

Plot timeseries of the modeldata.

GEE interactions#

Modeldata.add_gee_dataset(mapname, ...[, ...])

Add a new gee dataset to the available gee datasets.


Print out all the available gee datasets.

Modeldata.get_gee_dataset_data(mapname, ...)

Extract timeseries of a gee dataset.

Modeldata.get_ERA5_data(metadf, startdt_utc, ...)

Extract timeseries of the ERA5_hourly dataset.


Import timeseries data that is stored in a csv file.