The dataset is the heart of the MetObs Toolkit. It holds the observations and corresponding methods.
Extension on the metobs_toolkit.Dataset class with QC related methods |
General methods and attributes#
Show detailed information of the Dataset. |
Alias of show(). |
Show detailed information of the stored Settings. |
List all gaps into an overview dataframe. |
Print out detailed information of the gaps. |
Print out detailed information of the missing observations. |
Make one dataframe with all observations and their labels. |
Common methods#
Filter out one station of the Dataset. |
Interpret the outliers as missing observations. |
Fill the gaps using linear interpolation. |
Fill the gaps using a diurnal debiased modeldata approach. |
Fill the gaps by using linear interpolation or debiased modeldata. |
Interpolate missing observations. |
Create an Analysis instance from the Dataframe. |
Apply quality control methods to the dataset. |
Apply the buddy check on the observations. |
Apply the TITAN buddy check on the observations. |
Apply the TITAN spatial consistency test (resistant). |
Extracting data#
Make Modeldata for the Dataset. |
Extract local climate zones for all stations. |
Extract Altitudes for all stations. |
Extract landcover for all stations. |
Updating Settings#
Update the most common input-output (IO) settings. |
Add a new observation type to the known observation types. |
Add a new unit to a known observation type. |
Change the timezone of the input data. |
Update the default name (the name of the station). |
Update fill settings for gaps and missing observations. |
Update the QC settings for the specified observation type. |
Update the TITAN QC settings for the specified observation type. |
Plotting methods#
This function creates a timeseries plot for the dataset. |
Make interactive geospatial plot with time evolution. |
Make geospatial plot. |
Make an interactive plot of a google earth dataset. |
Get quality control statistics. |