.. _Modeldata api: ============ Modeldata ============ The Modeldata holds timeseries data which is the output of a model and methods to interact with the Google Earth Engine to extract timeseries. .. note:: Keep in mind that the Modeldata does not hold gridded data, but timeseries of point extractions at the locations of the stations. Therefore a Modeldata instance is linked to a collection of stations defined by the `metadf` attribute. Demo examples on the Modeldata class can be found here: :ref:`Extracting ERA5 timeseries`_ . .. currentmodule:: metobs_toolkit Constructor ----------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ Modeldata Common methods -------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ Modeldata.add_obstype Modeldata.save_modeldata Modeldata.import_modeldata Modeldata.make_plot GEE interactions ------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ Modeldata.add_gee_dataset Modeldata.list_gee_datasets Modeldata.get_gee_dataset_data Modeldata.get_ERA5_data Modeldata.set_model_from_csv