Using the GUI#

A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is under construction that helps to build a data template and explore your dataset. This GUI is made in a separate package: MetObs-GUI

The GUI can only be launched as a local application, or on a remote that has a graphical backend. This means that the GUI can not be used in Google Colab notebooks!


The GUI is currently under development and performance can not yet be guaranteed on all OS platforms.

Why a GUI#

Building a data/metadata template can sometimes be tricky. The GUI is intended to streamline this process with a visual application. In addition to building a template, some basic functions are implemented as well.

How to launch the GUI#

As explained above, the GUI can best be launched as a local python script or as a local JupyterNotebook. To do that, make sure you have installed the Metobs-toolkit and the Metobs-GUI on your machine.

#install the metobs-toolkit
pip install metobs-toolkit
#install the metobs-gui (currently only on github)
pip install git+

Launch the GUI by running this code in a Python console or in a Jupyter notebook

import metobs_gui

metobs_gui.launch_gui() #the GUI will launch