Source code for metobs_toolkit.template_build_prompt

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 24 10:25:45 2023

@author: thoverga

import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import copy
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

from metobs_toolkit.template import _get_empty_templ_dict, _pwrite_templdict_to_json

from metobs_toolkit.obstypes import Obstype, tlk_obstypes
from metobs_toolkit.data_import import _read_csv_to_df

def add_new_obstype():

    print("\n --- Adding a new observation type --- \n")

    # get obsname
    name_ok = False
    while not name_ok:
        obsname = str(input("Give the name of your observation type: "))
        if obsname in tlk_obstypes.keys():
                f"!! {obsname} is already a knonw observation type. This cannot be added."
            name_ok = True

    # get std unit
    std_unit = str(
            "Give the standard unit (how the toolkit should store/present the data): "

    # Get input data unit
    is_std_unit = yes_no_ques(f" Are the {obsname} values in your data in {std_unit}")
    if is_std_unit:
        cur_unit = std_unit
        unit_conv = {std_unit: ["x"]}
        cur_unit = str(input("Give the unit your data is in: "))
            f"Give the expression on how to convert {cur_unit} values to {std_unit}. "
        print("  * Example: Kelvin (= new unit) to °C :  x - 273.15 ")
            "  * Example: Farenheit to °C : x-32.0; x/1.8    (executed left to right)"

        conv_str = str(input(" : "))
        # cleanup and make list if needend
        conv_str = list(conv_str.replace(" ", "").split(";"))

        unit_conv = {cur_unit: conv_str}
    # Description
    description = str(
        input(f"Give a detailed description of the {obsname} type (optional): ")

    # Aliases and coversions

    # Do not add this in the prompt, the prompt should not check the more advanced
    # settigns. If the prompt could cover 95% of all user needs, that would be great.
    # The others should help themself with the documentation to create aliases
    # and conversions

    unit_aliases = {}

    # create obstype:
    new_obstype = Obstype(
    return new_obstype, cur_unit

def get_unit(obstype):

    available_units = obstype.get_all_units()
    available_units.append("ADD A NEW UNIT")

    print(f"\n Select the unit your {} data is in:  \n")
    conv_str = None
    unit = col_option_input(available_units)
    if unit == "ADD A NEW UNIT":
        unit = str(input("Give the unit your data is in: "))
            f"Give the expression on how to convert {unit} values to {obstype.get_standard_unit()}. "
        print("  * Example: Kelvin (= new unit) to °C :  x - 273.15 ")
            "  * Example: Farenheit to °C : x-32.0; x/1.8    (executed left to right)"

        conv_str = str(input(" : "))
        # cleanup and make list if needend
        conv_str = list(conv_str.replace(" ", "").split(";"))

    return unit, conv_str

def col_option_input(columns):
    """Convert options to numerics and ask for input."""
    mapper = {}
    i = 1
    for col in columns:
        if col == "Unnamed: 0":
            print(f"  {i}. {col} (--> this is the index of your csv file)")
            print(f"  {i}. {col}")
        mapper[i] = col
        i += 1

    print("  x. -- not valid --")
    valid_input = False
    while valid_input is False:
        if i <= 3:
            repr_str = "("
            for i in np.arange(1, i):
                repr_str += str(i) + ", "
            # remove last comma
            repr_str = repr_str[:-2] + ") : "
            num_ans = input(f"{repr_str}")
            num_ans = input(f"(1 - {i-1}) : ")

        if num_ans == "x":
            print(" ... This setting is not provided! ...")
            return None

            _ = mapper[int(num_ans)]
            valid_input = True
        except KeyError:
            valid_input = False
            print(f"{num_ans} is not a valid input.")

    print(f" ... {mapper[int(num_ans)]} selected ... \n")
    return mapper[int(num_ans)]

def yes_no_ques(text):
    """Get yes/no input."""
    valid_input = False

    while valid_input is False:
        prompt = input(f" {text}. (y/n) : ")

        if (prompt == "y") | (prompt == "Y"):
            valid_input = True
            return True
        elif (prompt == "n") | (prompt == "N"):
            valid_input = True
            return False
            print(f" {prompt} is not y or n, give a suitable answer.")

def usr_input_dir(text):
    """Prompt directory path.

    question and check if the answer is a directory, return the path
    if it is a directory, repeat else.
    is_dir = False
    while is_dir is False:
        inp_dir = input(f"{text} : ")
        if os.path.isdir(inp_dir):
            is_dir = True
            print(f"{inp_dir} is not a directory, try again.")
    return inp_dir

def usr_input_file(text):
    """Prompt file path.

    Prompt question and check if the answer is a file, return the path if it
    exists, repeat else.
    is_file = False
    while is_file is False:
        inp_file = input(f"{text} : ")
        if os.path.isfile(inp_file):
            is_file = True
            print(f"{inp_file} is not found, try again.")
    return inp_file

[docs] def build_template_prompt(): """Launch an interactive prompt to construct a template.json file. When called, an interactive prompt will start. Answer the questions, and hit Enter to continue. At the end of the prompt, you can specify a location where to save the template.json file. Note ------ It is a good practice to rename the template.json file to specify the corresponding datafile(s). Note ------ At the end, the prompt asks if you need further assistance. If you do, the prompt will print out code that you can copy and run to create a `Dataset()`. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import metobs_toolkit >>> >>> # Launch the prompt >>> metobs_toolkit.build_template_prompt() # doctest: +SKIP """ tmpl_dict = _get_empty_templ_dict() tmpl_dict["data_related"]["obstype_mapping"] = [] known_obstypes = copy.copy(tlk_obstypes) new_units = {} print( "This prompt will help to build a template for your data and metadata. Answer the prompt and hit Enter. \n \n" ) print(" ******* File locations *********** \n") datafilepath = usr_input_file("Give the full path to your data file") meta_avail = yes_no_ques("Do you have a file with the metadata?") if meta_avail: metadatafilepath = usr_input_file("Give the full path to your metadata file") # ============================================================================= # Map data file # ============================================================================= print("\n\n ******* Data File ***********") # datafilepath = usr_input_file('Give the full path to your data file') print(" ... opening the data file ...") data = _read_csv_to_df(datafilepath, {"nrows": 10}) columnnames = data.columns.to_list() format_dict = { "Long format (station observations are stacked as rows)": 1, "Wide format (columns represent different stations)": 2, "Single station format (columns represent observation(s) of one station)": 3, } print("How is your dataset structured : \n") format_option = col_option_input(format_dict.keys()) print(f" \n... oke, {format_option} selected ...\n") format_option = format_dict[format_option] if format_option == 1: tmpl_dict["data_related"]["structure"] = "long" # options_dict["data_structure"] = "long" if format_option == 2: tmpl_dict["data_related"]["structure"] = "wide" # options_dict["data_structure"] = "wide" if format_option == 3: tmpl_dict["data_related"]["structure"] = "single_station" # options_dict["data_structure"] = "single_station" # Datatime mapping dt_dict = { "In a single column (ex: 2023/06/07 16:12:30)": 1, "By a column with dates, and another column with times": 2, } print("How are the timestamps present in your data file : \n") datetime_option = col_option_input(dt_dict.keys()) datetime_option = dt_dict[datetime_option] if datetime_option == 1: # Datetime mapping print("\n Which is your timestamp columnname: ") datetimecolumn = col_option_input(columnnames) tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["datetime_column"] = datetimecolumn columnnames.remove(datetimecolumn) example = data[datetimecolumn].iloc[0] tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["datetime_fmt"] = input( f"Type your datetime format (ex. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S), (your first timestamp: {example}) : " ) else: # Date mapping print("Which column represents the DATES : ") datecolumn = col_option_input(columnnames) tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["date_column"] = datecolumn columnnames.remove(datecolumn) example = data[datecolumn].iloc[0] tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["date_fmt"] = input( f"Type your date format (ex. %Y-%m-%d), (your first timestamp: {example}) : " ) print(" \n") # Time mapping print("Which column represents the TIMES : ") timecolumn = col_option_input(columnnames) tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["time_column"] = timecolumn columnnames.remove(timecolumn) example = data[timecolumn].iloc[0] tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["time_fmt"] = input( f"Type your time format (ex. %H:%M:%S), (your first timestamp: {example}) : " ) # Obstype mapping in long format: obstype_desc = {"name": "name (name of the stations represented by strings)"} obstype_desc.update( { f"{} : {ob.get_description()}" for ob in known_obstypes.values() } ) obstype_desc.update( { "ADD NEW OBSERVATION TYPE": "add a new observation type if it is not present in this list." } ) inv_obstype_desc = {val: key for key, val in obstype_desc.items()} obstype_options = list(obstype_desc.values()) if (format_option == 1) | (format_option == 3): # long format print("What do the following columns represent: \n") for col in columnnames: if col == "Unnamed: 0": contin = yes_no_ques( f"\n add column {col} (: probably this is the index of the csv file) to the template?" ) else: contin = yes_no_ques(f"\n add column {col} to the template?") if contin is False: continue print(f"\n {col} : ") desc_return = col_option_input(obstype_options) if desc_return is None: continue # when enter x # 1) add a new obstype if inv_obstype_desc[desc_return] == "ADD NEW OBSERVATION TYPE": new_obstype, cur_unit = add_new_obstype() known_obstypes[] = new_obstype # add to knonw obstypes obstype = units = cur_unit description = new_obstype.get_description() # 2) name column is mapped elif inv_obstype_desc[desc_return] == "name": tmpl_dict["data_related"]["name_column"] = col obstype_options.remove( "name (name of the stations represented by strings)" ) continue # 3) existing obstype else: obstype = inv_obstype_desc[desc_return] # add unit units, conv_str = get_unit(known_obstypes[obstype]) if conv_str is not None: # add new units to the dict new_units[obstype] = {"unit": units, "conv": conv_str} description = input("Some more details on the observation (optional): ") obstype_options.remove(obstype_desc[obstype]) # update template obsdict = { "tlk_obstype": obstype, "columnname": col, "unit": str(units), "description": str(description), } tmpl_dict["data_related"]["obstype_mapping"].append(obsdict) if format_option == 2: print("\n Does these columns represent stations: ") for col in columnnames: print(f" {col} ") cont = yes_no_ques("") if cont is False: print( "\n In a Wide-format, REMOVE THE COLUMNS that do not represent different satations, before proceding! \n" ) else: stationnames = columnnames print("\n What observation type does you data represent : ") obstype_options.remove(obstype_desc["name"]) desc_return = col_option_input(obstype_options) if desc_return is None: print("This is not an option, select an observation type.") sys.exit("invalid obstype for wide dataset, see last message. ") wide_obstype = inv_obstype_desc[desc_return] # 1) add a new obstype if wide_obstype == "ADD NEW OBSERVATION TYPE": new_obstype, cur_unit = add_new_obstype() wide_obstype = known_obstypes[] = new_obstype # add to knonw obstypes units = cur_unit description = new_obstype.get_description() # 2) Knonw obstype else: # add unit units, conv_str = get_unit(known_obstypes[wide_obstype]) if conv_str is not None: # add new units to the dict new_units[wide_obstype] = {"unit": units, "conv": conv_str} description = input("Some more details on the observation (optional): ") # update template obsdict = { "tlk_obstype": wide_obstype, "columnname": None, "unit": str(units), "description": str(description), } tmpl_dict["data_related"]["obstype_mapping"].append(obsdict) # ============================================================================= # Map metadatafile # ============================================================================= print("\n \n ******* Meta Data ***********") metatemplate_dict = {} if meta_avail: print(" ... opening the metadata file ...") metadata = _read_csv_to_df(metadatafilepath, {"nrows": 10}) metacolumnnames = metadata.columns.to_list() # map the required columns (name) # if multiple stations are in the dataset, this column is required if format_option != 3: print("Which column does represent the NAMES of the stations?") name_column = col_option_input(metacolumnnames) tmpl_dict["metadata_related"]["name_column"] = name_column metacolumnnames.remove(name_column) # if the data is a single station, this column is ignored else: staname = input("\n What is the name of your station : ") tmpl_dict["single_station_name"] = staname # map columns that are used by the toolit (lat, lon) with_coords = yes_no_ques( "\n are there coordinates (latitude, longitude) columns in the metadata?" ) if with_coords: print("Which column does represent the LATITUDES?") lat_column = col_option_input(metacolumnnames) tmpl_dict["metadata_related"]["lat_column"] = lat_column metacolumnnames.remove(lat_column) print("Which column does represent the LONGITUDES?") lon_column = col_option_input(metacolumnnames) tmpl_dict["metadata_related"]["lon_column"] = lon_column metacolumnnames.remove(lon_column) # Which other (not used by the toolkit) to add. if len(metacolumnnames) > 0: add_cols = yes_no_ques( f"\n Do you want to include/use remaining columns in the metadatafile? \n ({str(metacolumnnames)})" ) if add_cols: for col in metacolumnnames: add_bool = yes_no_ques(f"\n Add {col} in the metada?") if add_bool: tmpl_dict["metadata_related"]["columns_to_include"].append( str(col) ) print("\n \n ******* Extra options ***********") tzchange = yes_no_ques("\n Are the timestamps in UTC?") if tzchange is False: print("\n Select a timezone: ") tzstring = col_option_input(pytz.all_timezones) tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["timezone"] = tzstring else: tmpl_dict["data_related"]["timestamp"]["timezone"] = "UTC" # ============================================================================= # Saving the template # ============================================================================= print("\n ------ Saving the template ----- \n") save_dir = usr_input_dir( "Give a directory where to save the template (as template.json)" ) # write to csv templatefilepath = os.path.join(save_dir, "template.json") _pwrite_templdict_to_json(templdict=tmpl_dict, trgfile=templatefilepath) print(f" DONE! The template is written here: {templatefilepath}") # ============================================================================= # Tips for the user # ============================================================================= apply_tips = yes_no_ques("Do you want some help creating your Dataset?") if apply_tips is True: print("\n ------ How to use the template ----- ") print("(Some questions will be asked that are case-specific) \n") output_change = yes_no_ques("Do you plan to save images to a direcory?") output_update = False if output_change is True: output_folder = input(" Give the path of your output direcory : ") output_update = True gaps_change = yes_no_ques("Do you want to use the default gaps defenition?") gaps_update = False if gaps_change is False: gapsize = int( input( " What is the minimum number of consecutive missing records to define as a gap? (default=40) : " ) ) gaps_update = True print("\n\n ========= RUN THIS CODE ========= \n\n") print("\n#1. Define the paths to your files: \n") print(f'data_file = r"{datafilepath}"') if meta_avail: print(f'meta_data_file = r"{metadatafilepath}"') print(f'template = r"{templatefilepath}"') print("\n#2. initiate a dataset: \n") print("your_dataset = metobs_toolkit.Dataset()") print("\n#3. Update the paths to your files: \n") print("your_dataset.update_settings(") print(" input_data_file = data_file,") if meta_avail: print(" input_metadata_file = meta_data_file,") print(" template_file = template,") if output_update: print(f' output_folder = "{output_folder}",') print(" )") # extra case specific options if gaps_update: print("\n#3B. Update specific settings (optional): \n") if gaps_update: print(f"your_dataset.update_qc_settings(gapsize_in_records = {gapsize})") # add new obstypes if needed to_add_obstypes = [ newobsname for newobsname in known_obstypes.keys() if newobsname not in tlk_obstypes.keys() ] if bool(to_add_obstypes): print( "\n# Define non-standard observation types, and add them to the dataset: \n" ) for newob in to_add_obstypes: new_obstype = known_obstypes[newob] print("new_obstype = metobs_toolkit.Obstype(") print(f' obsname="{}",') print(f' std_unit="{new_obstype.get_standard_unit()}",') print( f' description="{new_obstype.get_description()}",' ) print(f" unit_aliases={new_obstype.units_aliases},") print(f" unit_conversions={new_obstype.conv_table})") print("\n\n #add the new obstype to your dataset. \n") print("your_dataset.add_new_observationtype(Obstype=new_obstype)") print("\n\n") # add new units if needed if bool(new_units): print( "\n# Define non-standard units, and add them to the corresponding units: \n" ) for obstype, unit_info in new_units.items(): print("your_dataset.add_new_unit(") print(f' obstype="{obstype}",') print(f' new_unit="{unit_info["unit"]}",') print( f' conversion_expression={unit_info["conv"]})' ) print("\n\n") print("\n#4. Import your data : \n") print("your_dataset.import_data_from_file()") return