#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class defenition of model observationtypes. These are regular observationtypes
witht extra attributes and methods for interacting with the google earht engine.
import sys
import copy
import math
import numpy as np
import logging
from metobs_toolkit.obstypes import Obstype, expression_calculator
from metobs_toolkit.obstypes import temperature, pressure, wind_speed, direction_aliases
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# =============================================================================
# Standard modeldata equivalents
# =============================================================================
tlk_std_modeldata_obstypes = {
"temp": {
"ERA5_hourly": {
"name": "temperature_2m",
"units": "Kelvin",
"band_desc": "Temperature of air at 2m above the surface of land, sea or in-land waters. 2m temperature is calculated by interpolating between the lowest model level and the Earth's surface, taking account of the atmospheric conditions.",
"pressure": {
"ERA5_hourly": {
"name": "surface_pressure",
"units": "pa",
"band_desc": "Pressure (force per unit area) of the atmosphere on the surface of land, sea and in-land water. It is a measure of the weight of all the air in a column vertically above the area of the Earth's surface represented at a fixed point. Surface pressure is often used in combination with temperature to calculate air density. The strong variation of pressure with altitude makes it difficult to see the low and high pressure systems over mountainous areas, so mean sea level pressure, rather than surface pressure, is normally used for this purpose. The units of this variable are Pascals (Pa). Surface pressure is often measured in hPa and sometimes is presented in the old units of millibars, mb (1 hPa = 1 mb = 100 Pa).",
"u_wind": {
"ERA5_hourly": {
"name": "u_component_of_wind_10m",
"units": "m/s",
"band_desc": "Eastward component of the 10m wind. It is the horizontal speed of air moving towards the east, at a height of ten meters above the surface of the Earth, in meters per second. Care should be taken when comparing this variable with observations, because wind observations vary on small space and time scales and are affected by the local terrain, vegetation and buildings that are represented only on average in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System. This variable can be combined with the V component of 10m wind to give the speed and direction of the horizontal 10m wind.",
"v_wind": {
"ERA5_hourly": {
"name": "v_component_of_wind_10m",
"units": "m/s",
"band_desc": "Northward component of the 10m wind. It is the horizontal speed of air moving towards the north, at a height of ten meters above the surface of the Earth, in meters per second. Care should be taken when comparing this variable with observations, because wind observations vary on small space and time scales and are affected by the local terrain, vegetation and buildings that are represented only on average in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System. This variable can be combined with the U component of 10m wind to give the speed and direction of the horizontal 10m wind.",
class ModelObstype(Obstype):
"""Extension of the Obstype class specific for the obstypes of Modeldata."""
def __init__(self, obstype, model_equivalent_dict={}):
"""Initiate an Modelobservation type.
A ModelObstype has the same properties as an Obstype but with some
extra attributes and methods.
obsname : str
The name of the new observation type (i.g. 'sensible_heat_flux').
std_unit : str
The standard unit for the observation type (i.g. 'J/m²')
obstype_description : str, ptional
A more detailed description of the obstype (i.g. '2m SE inside
canopy'). The default is None.
unit_aliases : dict, optional
A dictionary containing unit alias names. Keys represent a unit and
values are lists with aliases for the units at the keys. The default is {}.
unit_conversions : dict, optional
A dictionary containing the conversion information to map to the
standard units. Here an example of for temperatures (with Celsius
as standard unit):
{'Kelvin': ["x - 273.15"], #result is in tlk_std_units
'Farenheit' : ["x-32.0", "x/1.8"]}, # -->execute from left to write = (x-32)/1.8
The default is {}.
model_equiv_dict : dict
A dictionary with information of how the observation type is found in
modeldata. A example for pressure is:
{'ERA5_hourly': {'name': 'surface_pressure', 'units': 'pa',
'band_desc': "Pressure (force per ....
self.modl_equi_dict = model_equivalent_dict
self.current_data_unit = (
None # represents at any time the unit of the data stored
def __repr__(self):
"""Instance representation."""
return f"ModelObstype instance of {self.name}"
def __str__(self):
"""Text representation."""
return f"ModelObstype instance of {self.name}"
def get_info(self):
"""Print out detailed information of the observation type.
databands = {key: item["name"] for key, item in self.modl_equi_dict.items()}
info_str = f"{self.name} observation with: \n \
* Known datasetsbands: {databands} \n \
* standard unit: {self.std_unit} \n \
* description: {self.description} \n \
* conversions to known units: {self.conv_table} \n"
def get_mapped_datasets(self):
"""Return all gee datasets with a representing band for this obstype."""
return list(self.modl_equi_dict.keys())
def get_bandname(self, mapname):
"""Return the representing bandname of the obstype from a given gee dataset."""
return str(self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]["name"])
def get_bandname_mapper(self, mapname):
"""Return the representing bandname with tlk standard name as a dict."""
return {str(self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]["name"]): self.name}
def get_plot_y_label(self, mapname):
"""Return a string to represent the vertical axes of a plot."""
return f'{self.name} ({self.std_unit}) \n {mapname}: {self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]["name"]}'
def get_modelunit(self, mapname):
"""Return the units of the representing bandname of the obstype from a given gee dataset."""
return str(self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]["units"])
def has_mapped_band(self, mapname):
"""Test is a gee dataset has a representing band."""
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def get_current_data_unit(self):
"""Get the current unit of the corresponding data."""
return self.current_data_unit
def setup_current_data_unit(self, mapname):
"""Set the current data unit to the one define by the corresponding band."""
self.current_data_unit = self.get_modelunit(mapname=mapname)
def set_current_data_unit(self, current_data_unit):
"""Set the current data unit."""
assert (
str(current_data_unit) in self.get_all_units()
), f"{current_data_unit} is not a known unit for {self}."
self.current_data_unit = str(current_data_unit)
def add_new_band(self, mapname, bandname, bandunit, band_desc=None):
"""Add a new representing dataset/bandname to the obstype.
mapname : str
name of the known gee dataset.
bandname : str
the name of the representing band.
bandunit : str
the unit of the representing band.
band_desc : str, optional
A detailed description of the band.
# test if banunit is valid
if not self.test_if_unit_is_known(bandunit):
sys.exit(f"{bandunit} is an unknown unit for the {self.name} obstype.")
if mapname in self.modl_equi_dict.keys():
# check if band is already knonw
logger.debug(f"Update {bandname} of (known) map: {mapname}")
logger.debug(f"Add new map: {mapname} with band: {bandname}.")
self.modl_equi_dict[mapname] = {
"name": str(bandname),
"units": str(bandunit),
"band_desc": str(band_desc),
def _is_valid(self):
"""Test if all attributes are valid among each other."""
for datasetname in self.modl_equi_dict.keys():
# Check if unit is available
if "units" not in self.modl_equi_dict[datasetname].keys():
f"No units information is provided for {self.name} for modeldata: {datasetname}"
# check if the unit is known
if not self.test_if_unit_is_known(
f'Cannot create {self.name} ModelObstype because {self.modl_equi_dict[datasetname]["units"]} is a unknown unit.'
class ModelObstype_Vectorfield(Obstype):
def __init__(
self, obstype, u_comp_model_equivalent_dict={}, v_comp_model_equivalent_dict={}
if set(u_comp_model_equivalent_dict.keys()) != set(
f"The mapped gee dataset are not equal for the vector components of {obstype.name}."
mod_comp_dict = {}
for geedataset in u_comp_model_equivalent_dict.keys():
mod_comp_dict[geedataset] = {
"u_comp": u_comp_model_equivalent_dict[geedataset],
"v_comp": v_comp_model_equivalent_dict[geedataset],
self.modl_comp_dict = mod_comp_dict
self.current_data_unit = None
def __repr__(self):
"""Instance representation."""
return f"ModelObstype_Vectorfield instance of {self.name}"
def __str__(self):
"""Text representation."""
return f"ModelObstype_Vectorfield instance of {self.name}"
def get_info(self):
"""Print out detailed information of the observation type.
u_databands = {
key: item["u_comp"]["name"] for key, item in self.modl_comp_dict.items()
v_databands = {
key: item["v_comp"]["name"] for key, item in self.modl_comp_dict.items()
info_str = f"{self.name} observation with: \n \
* Known Vector-East-component datasetsbands: {u_databands} \n \
* Known Vector-North-component datasetsbands: {v_databands} \n \
* standard unit: {self.std_unit} \n \
* description: {self.description} \n \
* conversions to known units: {self.conv_table} \n"
def get_mapped_datasets(self):
"""Return all gee datasets with a representing band for this obstype."""
return list(self.modl_comp_dict.keys())
# def get_bandname(self, mapname):
# """Return the representing bandname of the obstype from a given gee dataset."""
# return str(self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]['name'])
def get_bandname_mapper(self, mapname):
"""Return the representing bandname with tlk standard name as a dict."""
mapper = {
str(self.modl_comp_dict[mapname]["u_comp"]["name"]): f"u_comp_{self.name}",
str(self.modl_comp_dict[mapname]["v_comp"]["name"]): f"v_comp_{self.name}",
return mapper
def get_modelunit(self, mapname):
"""Return the units of the representing bandname of the obstype from a given gee dataset."""
# u and v comp must have the same units, this is tested in the _is_valid()
return str(self.modl_comp_dict[mapname]["u_comp"]["units"])
def get_current_data_unit(self):
"""Get the current unit of the corresponding data."""
return self.current_data_unit
def setup_current_data_unit(self, mapname):
"""Set the current data unit to the one define by the corresponding band."""
self.current_data_unit = self.get_modelunit(mapname=mapname)
def set_current_data_unit(self, current_data_unit):
"""Set the current data unit."""
assert (
str(current_data_unit) in self.get_all_units()
), f"{current_data_unit} is not a known unit for {self}."
self.current_data_unit = str(current_data_unit)
def has_mapped_band(self, mapname):
"""Test is a gee dataset has a representing band."""
if mapname in self.modl_comp_dict.keys():
return True
return False
def get_plot_y_label(self, mapname):
"""Return a string to represent the vertical axes of a plot."""
return f'{self.name} ({self.std_unit}) \n {mapname}: {self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]["u_comp"]["name"]} and {self.modl_equi_dict[mapname]["v_comp"]["name"]}'
def get_u_column(self):
return f"u_comp_{self.name}"
def get_v_column(self):
return f"v_comp_{self.name}"
def add_new_band(
"""Add a new representing dataset/bandname to the obstype.
mapname : str
name of the known gee dataset.
bandname_u_comp : str
the name of the representing the Eastwards component band.
bandname_v_comp : str
the name of the representing the Northwards component band.
bandunit : str
the unit of the representing bands.
band_desc_u_comp : str, optional
A detailed description of the Eastwards component of the band.
band_desc_v_comp : str, optional
A detailed description of the Northwards component of the band.
# test if banunit is valid
if not self.test_if_unit_is_known(bandunit):
sys.exit(f"{bandunit} is an unknown unit for the {self.name} obstype.")
if mapname in self.modl_comp_dict.keys():
# check if band is already knonw
logger.debug(f"Update {bandname_u_comp} of (known) map: {mapname}")
logger.debug(f"Add new map: {mapname} with band: {bandname_u_comp }.")
self.modl_comp_dict[mapname] = {}
self.modl_comp_dict[mapname]["u_comp"] = {
"name": str(bandname_u_comp),
"units": str(bandunit),
"band_desc": str(band_desc_u_comp),
self.modl_comp_dict[mapname]["v_comp"] = {
"name": str(bandname_v_comp),
"units": str(bandunit),
"band_desc": str(band_desc_v_comp),
def _is_valid(self):
"""Test if all attributes are valid among each other."""
for datasetname in self.modl_comp_dict.keys():
for comp_str, comp in self.modl_comp_dict[datasetname].items():
# Check if unit is available
if "units" not in comp.keys():
f"No units information is provided for {self.name} for {comp_str} modeldata_vectorfield: {datasetname}"
# check if the unit is known
if not self.test_if_unit_is_known(unit_name=comp["units"]):
f'Cannot create {self.name} ModelObstype_Vectorfield because {comp["units"]} is a unknown unit in the {comp_str}.'
# check if the units of the u and v comp are equal
if (
for comp in self.modl_comp_dict[datasetname].values()
> 1
f"The units of the u and v component for {self.name} in the {datasetname} dataset are not equal."
def convert_to_standard_units(self, input_df, input_unit):
"""Convert data from a known unit to the standard unit.
The data must be a pandas dataframe with both the u and v component
prensent as columns.
input_data : (collection of) numeric
The data to convert to the standard unit.
input_unit : str
The known unit the inputdata is in.
data_u_component : numeric/numpy.array
The u component of the data in standard units.
data_v_component :
The v component of the data in standard units.
# check if input unit is known
known = self.test_if_unit_is_known(input_unit)
# error when unit is not know
if not known:
f"{input_unit} is an unknown unit for {self.name}. No coversion possible!"
# Get conversion
std_unit_name = self._get_std_unit_name(input_unit)
if std_unit_name == self.std_unit:
# No conversion needed because already the standard unit
return input_df[self.get_u_column()], input_df[self.get_v_column()]
conv_expr_list = self.conv_table[std_unit_name]
# covert data u component
data_u = input_df[self.get_u_column()]
data_v = input_df[self.get_v_column()]
for conv in conv_expr_list:
data_u = expression_calculator(conv, data_u)
data_v = expression_calculator(conv, data_v)
return data_u, data_v
# %% New obs creator functions
def compute_amplitude(modelobs_vectorfield, df):
"""Compute amplitude of 2D vectorfield components.
The amplitude column is added to the dataframe and a new ModelObstype,
representing the amplitude is returned. All attributes wrt the units are
inherited from the ModelObstype_vectorfield.
modelobs_vectorfield : ModelObstype_Vectorfield
The vectorfield observation type to compute the vector amplitudes for.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe with the vector components present as columns.
data : pandas.DataFrame
The df with an extra column representing the amplitudes.
amplitude_obstype : ModelObstype
The (scalar) Modelobstype representation of the amplitudes.
# Compute the data
data = (
+ (df[modelobs_vectorfield.get_v_column()].pow(2))
).pow(1.0 / 2)
# Create a new obstype for the amplitude
amplitude_obstype = Obstype(
description=f"2D-vector amplitde of {modelobs_vectorfield.name} components.",
# convert to model obstype
new_mod_equi = {}
for key, val in modelobs_vectorfield.modl_comp_dict.items():
new_mod_equi[key] = val["u_comp"]
] = f"{val['u_comp']['name']} and {val['v_comp']['name']}"
amplitude_obstype = ModelObstype(
amplitude_obstype, model_equivalent_dict=new_mod_equi
return data, amplitude_obstype
def compute_angle(modelobs_vectorfield, df):
"""Compute vector direction of 2D vectorfield components.
The direction column is added to the dataframe and a new ModelObstype,
representing the angle is returned. The values represents the angles in
degrees, from north in clock-wise rotation.
modelobs_vectorfield : ModelObstype_Vectorfield
The vectorfield observation type to compute the vector directions for.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe with the vector components present as columns.
data : pandas.DataFrame
The df with an extra column representing the directions.
amplitude_obstype : ModelObstype
The (scalar) Modelobstype representation of the angles.
def unit_vector(vector):
"""Returns the unit vector of the vector."""
return vector / np.linalg.norm(vector)
def angle_between(u_comp, v_comp):
"""Returns the angle in ° from North (CW) from 2D Vector components."""
v2 = (u_comp, v_comp)
v1_u = unit_vector((0, 1)) # North unit arrow
v2_u = unit_vector(v2)
angle_rad = np.arccos(np.clip(np.dot(v1_u, v2_u), -1.0, 1.0))
angle_degrees = angle_rad * ((180.0 / math.pi))
# return angle_degrees
# fix the quadrants
if (v2[0] >= 0) & (v2[1] >= 0):
# N-E quadrant
return angle_degrees
if (v2[0] >= 0) & (v2[1] < 0):
# S-E quadrant
return angle_degrees
if (v2[0] < 0) & (v2[1] < 0):
# S-W quadrant
return 180.0 + (180.0 - angle_degrees)
if (v2[0] < 0) & (v2[1] >= 0):
# N-W quadrant
return 360.0 - angle_degrees
u_column = modelobs_vectorfield.get_u_column()
v_column = modelobs_vectorfield.get_v_column()
data = df.apply(lambda x: angle_between(x[u_column], x[v_column]), axis=1)
# Create a new obstype for the amplitude
direction_obstype = Obstype(
std_unit="° from north (CW)",
description=f"Direction of 2D-vector of {modelobs_vectorfield.name} components.",
# convert to model obstype
new_mod_equi = {}
for key, val in modelobs_vectorfield.modl_comp_dict.items():
new_mod_equi[key] = val["u_comp"]
] = f"{val['u_comp']['name']} and {val['v_comp']['name']}"
new_mod_equi[key]["units"] = "° from north (CW)"
direction_obstype = ModelObstype(
direction_obstype, model_equivalent_dict=new_mod_equi
return data, direction_obstype
# =============================================================================
# Define obstypes
# =============================================================================
temp_model = ModelObstype(
temperature, model_equivalent_dict=tlk_std_modeldata_obstypes["temp"]
pressure_model = ModelObstype(
pressure, model_equivalent_dict=tlk_std_modeldata_obstypes["pressure"]
# Special obstypes
wind_speed.name = "wind_speed"
wind_model = ModelObstype_Vectorfield(
# =============================================================================
# Create obstype dict
# =============================================================================
model_obstypes = {
"temp": temp_model,
"pressure": pressure_model,
"wind_speed": wind_model,