Source code for metobs_toolkit.modeldata

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains the Modeldata class and all its methods.

A Modeldata holds all timeseries coming from a model and methods to use them.
import os
import copy
import sys
import pickle
import pandas as pd
import logging

from metobs_toolkit.df_helpers import (

from metobs_toolkit.landcover_functions import connect_to_gee, gee_extract_timeseries

from metobs_toolkit.plotting_functions import model_timeseries_plot, timeseries_plot

# from metobs_toolkit.obstypes import tlk_obstypes
from metobs_toolkit.obstypes import Obstype as Obstype_class
from metobs_toolkit.obstype_modeldata import (
from metobs_toolkit.obstype_modeldata import compute_amplitude, compute_angle
from metobs_toolkit.settings import Settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Class Model data (collection of external model data)
# =============================================================================

[docs] class Modeldata: """Class holding data and methods for a modeldata-timeseries."""
[docs] def __init__(self, modelname): """Initialize modeldata.""" self.df = init_multiindexdf() self.modelname = modelname self._settings = Settings() self.mapinfo = self._settings.gee["gee_dataset_info"] self.df_tz = "UTC" # the timezone of the datetimes stored in the df self.obstypes = model_obstypes # Dict name: Obstype-instance
def __str__(self): """Print overview information of the modeldata.""" if self.df.empty: return "Empty Modeldata instance." n_stations = self.df.index.get_level_values("name").unique().shape[0] obstypes = self.df.columns.to_list() startdt = self.df.index.get_level_values("datetime").min() enddt = self.df.index.get_level_values("datetime").max() data_units = [self.obstypes[col].get_standard_unit() for col in self.df.columns] return f"Modeldata instance containing: \n \ * Modelname: {self.modelname} \n \ * {n_stations} timeseries \n \ * The following obstypes are available: {obstypes} \n \ * Data has these units: {data_units} \n \ * From {startdt} --> {enddt} (with tz={self.df_tz}) \n \n (Data is stored in the .df attribute)" def __repr__(self): """Print overview information of the modeldata.""" return self.__str__() def get_info(self): """Print out detailed information on the Modeldata.""" print(str(self)) print("\n ------ Known gee datasets -----------") self.list_gee_datasets()
[docs] def add_obstype(self, Obstype, bandname, band_units, band_description=None): """Add a new Observation type for the current Modeldata. Parameters ---------- Obstype : metobs_toolkit.obstype.Obstype The new Obstype to add. bandname : str The name of the band that represents the obstype. band_units : str The unit the band is in. This unit must be a knonw-unit in the Obstype. band_description : str, optional A detailed description of the band. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ if not isinstance(Obstype, Obstype_class): sys.exit( f"{Obstype} is not an instance of metobs_toolkit.obstypes.Obstype." ) obs = Obstype # Test if the band unit is a knonw unit if not obs.test_if_unit_is_known(band_units): sys.exit( f"The {bandname} unit: {band_units} is not a knonw unit for {}" ) # Make the modeldata extension equiv_dict = { self.modelname: { "name": str(bandname), "units": str(band_units), "band_desc": str(band_description), } } modeldata_obstype = ModelObstype(obstype=obs, model_equivalent_dict=equiv_dict) # add Obstype self.obstypes[] = modeldata_obstype"{} added to the known observation types.")
[docs] def add_gee_dataset( self, mapname, gee_location, obstype, bandname, units, scale, band_desc=None, time_res="1h", is_image=False, is_numeric=True, credentials="", ): """Add a new gee dataset to the available gee datasets. Parameters ---------- mapname : str Mapname of choice for the GEE dataset to add. gee_location : str Location of the gee dataset (like "ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY" for ERA5). obstype : str The observation type name the band corresponds to. bandname : str Name of the dataset band as stored on the GEE. units : str The units of the band. scale : int The scale to represent the dataset in. (This is a GEE concept that is similar to the resolution in meters). band_desc : str or None, optional Add a descrition to of the band. The default is None. time_res : timedelta string, optional Time reoslution of the dataset, if is_image == False. The default is '1H'. is_image : bool, optional If True, the dataset is a ee.Image, else it is assumed to be an ee.ImageCollection. The default is False. is_numeric : bool, optional If True, the bandvalues are interpreted as numerical values rather than categorical.. The default is True. credentials : str, optional Extra credentials of the dataset. The default is ''. Returns ------- None. Note ------- To list all available gee dataset, use the .list_gee_dataset() method. Note ------- Currently no unit conversion is perfomed automatically other than K --> Celsius. This will be implemented in the futur. """ # check if mapname exists if mapname in self.mapinfo.keys(): logger.warning( f"{mapname} is found in the list of known gee datasets: {list(self.mapinfo.keys())}, choose a different mapname." ) return if is_numeric: val_typ = "numeric" else: val_typ = "categorical" # Dataset defenition new_info = { mapname: { "location": f"{gee_location}", "usage": "user defined addition", "value_type": val_typ, "dynamical": not bool(is_image), "scale": int(scale), "is_image": bool(is_image), "is_imagecollection": not bool(is_image), "credentials": f"{credentials}", } } if not is_image: new_info[mapname]["time_res"] = f"{time_res}" # obstype defenition # 1. if obstype exists, update the obstype if obstype in self.obstypes: self.obstypes[obstype].add_new_band( mapname=mapname, bandname=bandname, bandunit=units, band_desc=band_desc ) # 2. if obstype does not exist, create the obstype else: sys.exit( f"{obstype} is an unknown obstype. First add this obstype to the Modeldata, and than add a gee dataset." ) self.mapinfo.update(new_info) f"{mapname} is added to the list of available gee dataset with: {new_info}" ) return
[docs] def list_gee_datasets(self): """Print out all the available gee datasets. Returns ------- None. """ print("The following datasets are found: ") for geename, info in self.mapinfo.items(): print("\n --------------------------------") print(f"{geename} : \n") # find which observations that are mappd mapped_obs = [ obstype for obstype in self.obstypes.values() if obstype.has_mapped_band(geename) ] if len(mapped_obs) == 0: print(f" No mapped observation types for {geename}.") else: for obs in mapped_obs: obs.get_info() print("\n INFO: \n") print(f"{info}")
def _conv_to_timezone(self, tzstr): """Convert the timezone of the datetime index of the df attribute. Parameters ---------- tzstr : str TImezonstring from the pytz module. Returns ------- None. """ # get tzstr by df = self.df df["datetime_utc"] = df.index.get_level_values("datetime").tz_convert(tzstr) df = df.reset_index() df = df.drop(columns=["datetime"]) df = df.rename(columns={"datetime_utc": "datetime"}) df = df.set_index(["name", "datetime"]) self.df = df self.df_tz = tzstr def convert_units_to_tlk(self, obstype): """Convert the model data of one observation to the standard units. The data attributes will be updated. Parameters ---------- obstype : str Observation type to convert to standard units. Returns ------- None. """ # chech if data is available if self.df.empty: logger.warning("No data to set units for.") return if obstype not in self.obstypes: logger.warning( f"{obstype} not found as a known observationtype in the Modeldata." ) return if isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype): # scalar obstype if obstype not in self.df.columns: logger.warning( f"{obstype} not found as observationtype in the Modeldata." ) return if isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype_Vectorfield): # vector obstype if self.obstypes[obstype].get_u_column() not in self.df.columns: logger.warning( f"{self.obstypes[obstype].get_u_column()} not found as observationtype in the Modeldata." ) return if self.obstypes[obstype].get_v_column() not in self.df.columns: logger.warning( f"{self.obstypes[obstype].get_v_column()} not found as observationtype in the Modeldata." ) return cur_unit = self.obstypes[obstype].get_current_data_unit() if isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype): converted_data = self.obstypes[obstype].convert_to_standard_units( input_data=self.df[obstype], input_unit=cur_unit ) # Update the data and the current unit self.df[obstype] = converted_data self.obstypes[obstype].set_current_data_unit( current_data_unit=self.obstypes[obstype].get_standard_unit() ) if isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype_Vectorfield): u_comp_name = self.obstypes[obstype].get_u_column() v_comp_name = self.obstypes[obstype].get_v_column() u_comp, v_comp = self.obstypes[obstype].convert_to_standard_units( input_df=self.df, input_unit=cur_unit ) self.df[u_comp_name] = u_comp self.df[v_comp_name] = v_comp f"{obstype} are converted from {cur_unit} --> {self.obstypes[obstype].get_standard_unit()}." ) def exploid_2d_vector_field(self, obstype): """Compute amplitude and direction of 2D vector field components. The amplitude and directions are added to the data attribute, and their equivalent observationtypes are added to the known ModelObstypes. (The vector components are not saved.) Parameters ---------- obstype : str The name of the observationtype that is a ModelObstype_Vectorfield. Returns ------- None. """ # check if the obstype is a vector field if not isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype_Vectorfield): logger.warning( f"{obstype} is not a 2D vector field, so it can not be exploided." ) return # get amplitude of 2D vectors"Computing the amplited of the 2D vector field of {obstype}") amp_data, amp_obstype = compute_amplitude( modelobs_vectorfield=copy.deepcopy(self.obstypes[obstype]), df=self.df ) # # get direction of 2D vectors"Computing the direction of the 2D vector field of {obstype}") dir_data, dir_obstype = compute_angle( modelobs_vectorfield=copy.deepcopy(self.obstypes[obstype]), df=self.df ) # ------ update the attributes --------- # add new columns to the df self.df[] = amp_data self.df[] = dir_data # remove components from the df (Needed because they are not linked to an obstype) self.df = self.df.drop( columns=[ self.obstypes[obstype].get_u_column(), self.obstypes[obstype].get_v_column(), ] ) # add the aggregated obstypes to the known obsytpes self.obstypes[] = amp_obstype self.obstypes[] = dir_obstype
[docs] def get_gee_dataset_data( self, mapname, metadf, startdt_utc, enddt_utc, obstypes=["temp"] ): """Extract timeseries of a gee dataset. The extraction can only be done if the gee dataset bandname (and units) corresponding to the obstype is known. The units are converted to the toolkit standard units!! Parameters ---------- mapname : str Mapname of choice of the GEE dataset to extract data from. metadf : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with a 'name' index and 'lat', 'lon' columns. Timeseries are extracted for these locations. startdt_utc : datetime.datetime Start datetime of the timeseries in UTC. enddt_utc : datetime.datetime Last datetime of the timeseries in UTC. obstypes : str or list of strings, optional Toolkit observation type to extract data from. There should be a bandname mapped to this obstype for the gee map. Multiple obstypes can be given in a list. The default is 'temp'. Returns ------- None. Note ------ When extracting large amounts of data, the timeseries data will be written to a file and saved on your google drive. In this case, you need to provide the Modeldata with the data using the .set_model_from_csv() method. """ # ==================================================================== # Test input # ==================================================================== if metadf.empty: logger.warning("The metadf is empty!") return # Subset metadf to stations with coordinates no_coord_meta = metadf[metadf[["lat", "lon"]].isna().any(axis=1)] if not no_coord_meta.empty: logger.warning( f"Following stations do not have coordinates, and thus no modeldata extraction is possible: {no_coord_meta.index.to_list()}" ) metadf = metadf[~metadf[["lat", "lon"]].isna().any(axis=1)] # is mapinfo available if mapname not in self.mapinfo.keys(): logger.warning(f"{mapname} is not a known gee dataset.") return geeinfo = self.mapinfo[mapname] # does dataset contain time evolution if not geeinfo["dynamical"]: logger.warning( f"{mapname} is a static dataset, this method does not work on static datasets" ) return # Check obstypes if isinstance(obstypes, str): obstypes = [obstypes] # convert to list for obstype in obstypes: # is obstype mapped? if obstype not in self.obstypes.keys(): logger.warning( f"{obstype} is an unknown observation type of the modeldata." ) return if not self.obstypes[obstype].has_mapped_band(mapname): logger.warning( f"{obstype} is not yet mapped to a bandname in the {mapname} dataset." ) return # ==================================================================== # GEE api extraction # ==================================================================== # Connect to Gee connect_to_gee() # Get bandname mapper ({bandname1: obstypename1, ...}) band_mapper = {} for obstype in obstypes: band_mapper.update(self.obstypes[obstype].get_bandname_mapper(mapname))"{band_mapper} are extracted from {mapname}.") # Get data using GEE df = gee_extract_timeseries( metadf=metadf, band_mapper=band_mapper, mapinfo=geeinfo, startdt=startdt_utc, enddt=enddt_utc, latcolname="lat", loncolname="lon", ) self.df = df self.modelname = mapname if not self.df.empty: # Set extra attributes self.df_tz = "UTC" # convert to standard units for obstype in obstypes: # Set the current unit (at this point, it is the unit as define in the band) self.obstypes[obstype].setup_current_data_unit(mapname=mapname) self.convert_units_to_tlk(obstype) if isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype_Vectorfield): self.exploid_2d_vector_field(obstype) else: self._data_stored_at_drive = True
[docs] def get_ERA5_data(self, metadf, startdt_utc, enddt_utc, obstypes="temp"): """Extract timeseries of the ERA5_hourly dataset. The units are converted to the toolkit standard units. (This method is a specific ERA5_hourly wrapper on the get_gee_dataset_data() method) Parameters ---------- metadf : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with a 'name' index and 'lat', 'lon' columns. Timeseries are extracted for these locations. startdt_utc : datetime.datetime Start datetime of the timeseries in UTC. enddt_utc : datetime.datetime Last datetime of the timeseries in UTC. obstypes : str or list of str, optional Toolkit observation type to extract data from. There should be a bandname mapped to this obstype for the gee map. Multiple observation types can be extracted if given as a list. The default is 'temp'. Returns ------- None. Note ------ When extracting large amounts of data, the timeseries data will be written to a file and saved on your google drive. In this case, you need to provide the Modeldata with the data using the .set_model_from_csv() method. """ # Check obstypes if isinstance(obstypes, str): obstypes = [obstypes] # convert to list # test if obstype is known for obstype in obstypes: if obstype not in self.obstypes: sys.exit(f"{obstype} is not a known obstype of the Modeldata instance.") # test if the obstype is mapped in the era5 hourly dataset if "ERA5_hourly" not in self.obstypes[obstype].get_mapped_datasets(): sys.exit( f"{obstype} has no equivalent mapped band for the ERA5_hourly dataset." ) self.get_gee_dataset_data( mapname="ERA5_hourly", metadf=metadf, startdt_utc=startdt_utc, enddt_utc=enddt_utc, obstypes=obstypes, )
[docs] def save_modeldata( self, outputfolder=None, filename="saved_modeldata.pkl", ): """Save a Modeldata instance to a (pickle) file. Parameters ---------- outputfolder : str or None, optional The path to the folder to save the file. If None, the outputfolder from the Settings is used. The default is None. filename : str, optional The name of the output file. The default is 'saved_modeldata.pkl'. Returns ------- None. """ # check if outputfolder is known and exists if outputfolder is None: outputfolder = self.settings.IO["output_folder"] assert ( outputfolder is not None ), "No outputfolder is given, and no outputfolder is found in the settings." assert os.path.isdir(outputfolder), f"{outputfolder} is not a directory!" # check file extension in the filename: if filename[-4:] != ".pkl": filename += ".pkl" full_path = os.path.join(outputfolder, filename) # check if file exists assert not os.path.isfile(full_path), f"{full_path} is already a file!" with open(full_path, "wb") as outp: pickle.dump(self, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print(f"Modeldata saved in {full_path}")"Modeldata saved in {full_path}")
[docs] def import_modeldata(self, folder_path=None, filename="saved_modeldata.pkl"): """Import a modeldata instance from a (pickle) file. Parameters ---------- folder_path : str or None, optional The path to the folder to save the file. If None, the outputfolder from the Settings is used. The default is None. filename : str, optional The name of the output file. The default is 'saved_modeldata.pkl'. Returns ------- metobs_toolkit.Modeldata The modeldata instance. """ # check if folder_path is known and exists if folder_path is None: folder_path = self.settings.IO["output_folder"] assert ( folder_path is not None ), "No folder_path is given, and no outputfolder is found in the settings." assert os.path.isdir(folder_path), f"{folder_path} is not a directory!" full_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) # check if file exists assert os.path.isfile(full_path), f"{full_path} does not exist." with open(full_path, "rb") as inp: modeldata = pickle.load(inp) return modeldata
[docs] def set_model_from_csv(self, csvpath): """Import timeseries data that is stored in a csv file. The name of the gee dataset the timeseries are coming from must be the same as the .modelname attribute of the Modeldata. The timeseries will be formatted and converted to standard toolkit units. Parameters ---------- csvpath : str Path of the csv file containing the modeldata timeseries. Returns ------- None. """ # tests ---- if self.modelname not in self.mapinfo.keys(): logger.warning(f"{self.modelname} is not found in the gee datasets.") return # 1. Read csv and set timezone df = pd.read_csv(csvpath, sep=",") # format datetime df["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["datetime"], format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # (assume all gee dataset are in UTC) df["datetime"] = df["datetime"].dt.tz_localize("UTC") # 2. Format dataframe # format index df = df.set_index(["name", "datetime"]) df = df.sort_index() # make a bandname --> tlk name mapper bandname_mapper = {} for known_obstype in self.obstypes.values(): bandname_mapper.update(known_obstype.get_bandname_mapper(self.modelname)) # rename to values to toolkit space df = df.rename(columns=bandname_mapper) # 3. update attributes self.df = df self.df_tz = "UTC" # 4. Find which obstypes are present data_present_obstypes = [] for col in self.df.columns: if col in self.obstypes.keys(): # column is a regular obstype data_present_obstypes.append(col) # Set the current unit (at this point, it is the unit as define in the band) self.obstypes[col].setup_current_data_unit(mapname=self.modelname) else: # check if column represents a vector component for known_obs in self.obstypes.values(): if isinstance(known_obs, ModelObstype_Vectorfield): comps = [known_obs.get_u_column(), known_obs.get_v_column()] if col in comps: data_present_obstypes.append( # Set the current unit (at this point, it is the unit as define in the band) self.obstypes[].setup_current_data_unit( mapname=self.modelname ) data_present_obstypes = list(set(data_present_obstypes)) # A. scalar obstypes (same name as column) # 5. Convert units for obstype in data_present_obstypes: self.convert_units_to_tlk(obstype) if isinstance(self.obstypes[obstype], ModelObstype_Vectorfield): self.exploid_2d_vector_field(obstype)
def interpolate_modeldata(self, to_multiidx): """Interpolate modeldata in time. Interpolate the modeldata timeseries, to a given name-datetime multiindex. The modeldata will be converted to the timezone of the multiindex. If no interpolation can be done, Nan values are used. Parameters ---------- to_multiidx : pandas.MultiIndex A name - datetime (tz-aware) multiindex to interpolate the modeldata timeseries to. Returns ------- returndf : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with to_multiidx as an index. The values are the interpolated values. """ returndf = init_multiindexdf() recordsdf = init_multiindexdf() recordsdf.index = to_multiidx # iterate over stations check to avoid extrapolation is done per stations for sta in recordsdf.index.get_level_values("name").unique(): sta_recordsdf = xs_save(recordsdf, sta, level="name", drop_level=False) sta_moddf = xs_save(self.df, sta, level="name", drop_level=False) # convert modeldata to timezone of observations sta_moddf = conv_tz_multiidxdf( df=sta_moddf, timezone=sta_recordsdf.index.get_level_values("datetime").tz, ) # check if modeldata is will not be extrapolated ! if min(sta_recordsdf.index.get_level_values("datetime")) < min( sta_moddf.index.get_level_values("datetime") ): logger.warning("Modeldata will be extrapolated") if max(sta_recordsdf.index.get_level_values("datetime")) > max( sta_moddf.index.get_level_values("datetime") ): logger.warning("Modeldata will be extrapolated") # combine model and records mergedf = sta_recordsdf.merge( sta_moddf, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True ) # reset index for time interpolation mergedf = mergedf.reset_index().set_index("datetime").sort_index() # interpolate missing modeldata mergedf = mergedf.drop(columns=["name"]) mergedf.interpolate(method="time", limit_area="inside", inplace=True) mergedf["name"] = sta # convert back to multiindex mergedf = mergedf.reset_index().set_index(["name", "datetime"]).sort_index() # filter only records mergedf = mergedf.loc[sta_recordsdf.index] returndf = pd.concat([returndf, mergedf]) return returndf
[docs] def make_plot( self, obstype_model="temp", dataset=None, obstype_dataset=None, stationnames=None, starttime=None, endtime=None, title=None, show_outliers=True, show_filled=True, legend=True, _ax=None, # needed for GUI, not recommended use ): """Plot timeseries of the modeldata. This function creates a timeseries plot for the Modeldata. When a metobs_toolkit.Dataset is provided, it is plotted in the same figure. The line colors represent the timesries for different locations. Parameters ---------- obstype_model : string, optional Fieldname of the Modeldata to visualise. The default is 'temp'. dataset : metobs_toolkit.Dataset, optional A Dataset instance with observations plotted in the same figure. Observations are represented by solid line and modeldata by dashed lines. The default is None. obstype_dataset : string, optional Fieldname of the Dataset to visualise. Only relevent when a dataset is provided. If None, obsype_dataset = obstype_model. The default is None. stationnames : list, optional A list with stationnames to include in the timeseries. If None is given, all the stations are used, defaults to None. starttime : datetime.datetime, optional Specifiy the start datetime for the plot. If None is given it will use the start datetime of the dataset, defaults to None. endtime : datetime.datetime, optional Specifiy the end datetime for the plot. If None is given it will use the end datetime of the dataset, defaults to None. title : string, optional Title of the figure, if None a default title is generated. The default is None. show_outliers : bool, optional If true the observations labeld as outliers will be included in the plot. Only relevent when a dataset is provided. The default is True. show_filled : bool, optional If true the filled values for gaps and missing observations will be included in the plot. Only relevent when a dataset is provided. The default is True. legend : bool, optional If True, a legend is added to the plot. The default is True. Returns ------- axis : matplotlib.pyplot.axes The timeseries axes of the plot is returned. """"Make {obstype_model}-timeseries plot of model data") # Basic test if obstype_model not in self.df.columns: logger.warning( f"{obstype_model} is not foud in the modeldata df (columns = {self.df.columns})." ) return if self.df.empty: logger.warning("The modeldata is empty.") return if obstype_dataset is None: obstype_dataset = obstype_model if dataset is not None: if obstype_dataset not in dataset.df.columns: logger.warning(f"{obstype_dataset} is not foud in the Dataframe df.") return model_df = self.df # ------ filter model ------------ # Filter on obstype model_df = model_df[[obstype_model]] # Subset on stationnames if stationnames is not None: model_df = model_df[ model_df.index.get_level_values("name").isin(stationnames) ] # Subset on start and endtime model_df = multiindexdf_datetime_subsetting(model_df, starttime, endtime) # -------- Filter dataset (if available) ----------- if dataset is not None: # combine all dataframes mergedf = dataset.combine_all_to_obsspace() # subset to obstype mergedf = xs_save(mergedf, obstype_dataset, level="obstype") # Subset on stationnames if stationnames is not None: mergedf = mergedf[ mergedf.index.get_level_values("name").isin(stationnames) ] # Subset on start and endtime mergedf = multiindexdf_datetime_subsetting(mergedf, starttime, endtime) # Generate ylabel y_label = self.obstypes[obstype_model].get_plot_y_label(mapname=self.modelname) # Generate title title = f"{self.modelname}" if dataset is not None: title = f"{title} and {self.obstypes[obstype_dataset].name} observations." # make plot of the observations if dataset is not None: # make plot of the observations _ax, col_map = timeseries_plot( mergedf=mergedf, title=title, ylabel=y_label, colorby="name", show_legend=legend, show_outliers=show_outliers, show_filled=show_filled, settings=dataset.settings, _ax=_ax, ) # Make plot of the model on the previous axes ax, col_map = model_timeseries_plot( df=model_df, obstype=obstype_model, title=title, ylabel=y_label, settings=self._settings, show_primary_legend=False, add_second_legend=True, _ax=_ax, colorby_name_colordict=col_map, ) else: # Make plot of model on empty axes ax, _colmap = model_timeseries_plot( df=model_df, obstype=obstype_model, title=title, ylabel=y_label, settings=self._settings, show_primary_legend=legend, add_second_legend=False, _ax=_ax, ) return ax