Source code for metobs_toolkit.analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains the Analysis class and all its methods.

A Analysis holds a set of 'good' observations and the methods will analyse it.
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
import copy
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

from metobs_toolkit.plotting_functions import (

from metobs_toolkit.df_helpers import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from metobs_toolkit.datasetbase import _DatasetBase

[docs] class Analysis(_DatasetBase): """The Analysis class contains methods for analysing observations."""
[docs] def __init__(self, obsdf, metadf, settings, obstypes): _DatasetBase.__init__(self) self._set_df(df=obsdf) self._set_metadf(metadf) self._set_obstypes(obstypes) self._set_settings(settings) # analysis objects self.lc_cor_dict = {} self._lc_cor_obstype = None self._lc_groupby_labels = None # add empty lcz column to metadf if it is not present if "lcz" not in self.metadf.columns: self.metadf["lcz"] = np.nan
def __str__(self): """Print a overview of the analysis.""" if self.df.empty: return "Empty Analysis instance." add_info = "" n_stations = self.df.index.get_level_values("name").unique().shape[0] n_obs_tot = self.df.shape[0] startdt = self.df.index.get_level_values("datetime").min() enddt = self.df.index.get_level_values("datetime").max() if (not self.metadf["lat"].isnull().all()) & ( not self.metadf["lon"].isnull().all() ): add_info += " *Coordinates are available for all stations. \n" if not self.metadf["lcz"].isnull().all(): add_info += " *LCZ's are available for all stations. \n" if bool(self.lc_cor_dict): add_info += f" *landcover correlations are computed on group: {self._lc_groupby_labels} \n" return ( f"Analysis instance containing: \n \ *{n_stations} stations \n \ *{self.df.columns.to_list()} observation types \n \ *{n_obs_tot} observation records \n{add_info} \n \ *records range: {startdt} --> {enddt} (total duration: {enddt - startdt})" + add_info ) def __repr__(self): """Print a overview of the analysis.""" return self.__str__() # ============================================================================= # Setters # =============================================================================
[docs] def subset_period(self, startdt, enddt): """Subset the observations of the Analysis to a specific period. The same timezone is assumed as the data. Parameters ---------- startdt : datetime.datetime The start datetime to filter the observations to. enddt : datetime.datetime The end datetime to filter the observations to. Returns ------- None. Note -------- If a timezone unaware datetime is given as an argument, it is interpreted as if it has the same timezone as the observations. """ if not isinstance(startdt, type(datetime(2020, 1, 1))):" {startdt} not a datetime type. Ignore subsetting!") return if not isinstance(enddt, type(datetime(2020, 1, 1))):" {enddt} not a datetime type. Ignore subsetting!") return startdt = fmt_datetime_argument( startdt, self.settings.time_settings["timezone"] ) enddt = fmt_datetime_argument(enddt, self.settings.time_settings["timezone"]) self.df = datetime_subsetting(self.df, startdt, enddt)
# ============================================================================= # Helpers # =============================================================================
[docs] def apply_filter(self, expression): """Filter an Analysis by a user definde string expression. This can be used to filter the observation to specific meteorological conditions (i.e. low windspeeds, high humidity, cold temperatures, ...) The filter expression contains only columns present in the Analysis.df and/or the Analysis.metadf. A New Analysis object is returned. Parameters ---------- expression : str A filter expression using columnnames present in either df or metadf. The following timestamp derivatives can be used as well: [minute, hour, month, year, day_of_year, week_of_year, season]. The quarry_str may contain number and expressions like <, >, ==, >=, \*, +, .... Multiple filters can be combine to one expression by using & (AND) and | (OR). Returns ------- filtered_analysis : metobs_toolkit.Analysis The filtered Analysis. Note ------- All timestamp derivative values are numeric except for 'season', possible values are ['winter', 'spring', 'summer', 'autumn']. Note ------ Make sure to use \" of \' to indicate string values in the expression if needed. """ child_df, child_metadf = filter_data( df=self.df, metadf=self.metadf, quarry_str=expression ) return Analysis( obsdf=child_df, metadf=child_metadf, settings=self.settings, obstypes=self.obstypes, )
[docs] def aggregate_df(self, df=None, agg=["lcz", "hour"], method="mean"): """Aggregate observations to a (list of) categories. The output will be a dataframe that is aggregated to one, or more categories. A commen example is aggregating to LCZ's. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame or None The observations to aggregate. If None, the df attribute of the Analysis instance is used. The default is None. agg : list, optional The list of columnnames to aggregate to. If 'lcz' is included, the lcz information is extracted from the Analysis.metadf. The default is ['lcz', 'datetime']. method : str, optional list of functions and/or function names, e.g. [np.sum, 'mean']. The default is 'mean'. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with the agg columns as an index. The values are the aggregated values. Note ------- Present columns that ar non-numeric and are not in the agg list, are not present in the return, since these values cannot be aggregated. """ if df is None: df = copy.deepcopy(self.df) df = df.reset_index() time_agg_keys = [ "minute", "hour", "month", "year", "day_of_year", "week_of_year", "season", ] # scan trough the metadf for aggregation keys for agg_key in agg: if agg_key not in df.columns: # look in metadf if agg_key in self.metadf.columns: df = pd.merge( df, self.metadf[[agg_key]], how="left", left_on="name", right_index=True, ) # Check if all agg keys are present or defined: possible_agg_keys = time_agg_keys possible_agg_keys.extend(list(df.columns)) unmapped = [agg_key for agg_key in agg if agg_key not in possible_agg_keys] assert len(unmapped) == 0, f"cannot aggregate to unknown labels: {unmapped}." # make time-derivate columns if required df = _make_time_derivatives(df, agg) # check if not all values are Nan for agg_name in agg: assert ( not df[agg_name].isnull().all() ), f"Aggregation to {agg_name} not possible because no valid values found for {agg_name}." # remove datetime column if present, because no aggregation can be done on # datetime and it gives a descrepation warning if "datetime" in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns=["datetime"]) # Remove name column if present and not in the aggregation scheme, # this happens because name was in the index if "name" not in agg: df = df.drop(columns=["name"], errors="ignore") # Aggregate the df agg_df = df.groupby(agg).agg(method, numeric_only=True) # descrepation warning # sort index agg_df = agg_df.reset_index() agg_df = agg_df.set_index(agg) return agg_df
# ============================================================================= # Analyse method # =============================================================================
[docs] def get_anual_statistics( self, groupby=["name"], obstype="temp", agg_method="mean", stations=None, startdt=None, enddt=None, plot=True, errorbands=False, title=None, y_label=None, legend=True, _return_all_stats=False, ): """ Create an anual cycle for aggregated groups. (In the plot, unique combination of groupby categories is presented as a line.) Parameters ---------- groupby : list string, optional Variables to aggregate to. These can be columns in the metadf, or time aggregations ('hour', 'year', 'week_of_year', ...]. 'name' will aggregate to the stationnames. The default is ['name']. obstype : str, optional Element of the metobs_toolkit.observation_types The default is 'temp'. agg_method : str, optional Function names to use for aggregation, e.g. [np.sum, 'mean']. The default is 'mean'. stations : list, optional List of station names to use. If None, all present stations will be used. The default is None. startdt : datetime.datetime, optional The start datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. enddt : datetime.datetime, optional The end datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. plot : bool, optional If True, an anual plot is made. The default is True. errorbands : bool, optional If True, the std is representd in the plot by colored bands. The default is False. title : string, optional Title of the figure, if None a default title is generated. The default is None. y_label : string, optional y-axes label of the figure, if None a default label is generated. The default is None. legend : bool, optional I True, a legend is added to the plot. The default is True. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame() The dataframe containing the aggregated values. Note -------- If a timezone unaware datetime is given as an argument, it is interpreted as if it has the same timezone as the observations. """ # title assert ( obstype in self.obstypes ), f"{obstype} is not a known observation type: \n {self.obstypes}" Obstype = self.obstypes[obstype] if title is None: title = f"Anual {} cycle plot per {groupby}." else: title = str(title) # ylabel if y_label is None: y_label = f"{Obstype.get_plot_y_label()}" else: y_label = str(y_label) stats = self.get_aggregated_cycle_statistics( obstype=obstype, stations=stations, aggregation=groupby, aggregation_method=agg_method, horizontal_axis="month", startdt=startdt, enddt=enddt, plot=plot, title=title, y_label=y_label, legend=legend, errorbands=errorbands, verbose=_return_all_stats, ) return stats
[docs] def get_diurnal_statistics( self, colorby="name", obstype="temp", stations=None, startdt=None, enddt=None, plot=True, title=None, y_label=None, legend=True, errorbands=False, _return_all_stats=False, ): """ Create an average diurnal cycle for the observations. (In the plot, each station is represed by a line.) Parameters ---------- colorby : 'name' or 'lcz', optional If 'name' the plotted lines will be colored per station, if 'lcz' the colors represent the stations lcz. The default is 'name'. obstype : str, optional Element of the metobs_toolkit.observation_types The default is 'temp'. stations : list, optional List of station names to use. If None, all present stations will be used. The default is None. startdt : datetime.datetime, optional The start datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. enddt : datetime.datetime, optional The end datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. plot : bool, optional If True, an diurnal plot is made. The default is True. title : string, optional Title of the figure, if None a default title is generated. The default is None. y_label : string, optional y-axes label of the figure, if None a default label is generated. The default is None. legend : bool, optional I True, a legend is added to the plot. The default is True. errorbands : bool, optional If True, the std is representd in the plot by colored bands. The default is False. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame() The dataframe containing the aggregated values. Note -------- If a timezone unaware datetime is given as an argument, it is interpreted as if it has the same timezone as the observations. """ # title assert ( obstype in self.obstypes ), f"{obstype} is not a known observation type: \n {self.obstypes}" Obstype = self.obstypes[obstype] if title is None: if startdt is None: if enddt is None: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle" else: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle until {enddt}" else: if enddt is None: title = ( f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle from {startdt}" ) else: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle for period {startdt} - {enddt}" else: title = str(title) # ylabel if y_label is None: y_label = f"{Obstype.get_plot_y_label()}" else: y_label = str(y_label) stats = self.get_aggregated_cycle_statistics( obstype=obstype, stations=stations, aggregation=[colorby], aggregation_method="mean", horizontal_axis="hour", startdt=startdt, enddt=enddt, plot=plot, title=title, y_label=y_label, legend=legend, errorbands=errorbands, verbose=_return_all_stats, ) return stats
[docs] def get_diurnal_statistics_with_reference( self, refstation, colorby="name", obstype="temp", tolerance="30min", stations=None, startdt=None, enddt=None, plot=True, title=None, y_label=None, legend=True, errorbands=False, show_zero_horizontal=True, _return_all_stats=False, ): """ Create an average diurnal cycle for the observation differences of a reference station. All observational values are converted to differences with the closest (in time) reference observation. No reference observation is found when the time difference is larger than the tolerance. (In the plot, each station is represed by a line.) Parameters ---------- refstation : str, Name of the station to use as a reference. colorby : 'name' or 'lcz', optional If 'name' the plotted lines will be colored per station, if 'lcz' the colors represent the stations lcz. The default is 'name'. obstype : str, optional Element of the metobs_toolkit.observation_types The default is 'temp'. tolerance : Timedelta or str, optional The tolerance string or object representing the maximum translation in time to find a reference observation for each observation. Ex: '5min' is 5 minutes, '1h', is one hour. The default is '30min'. stations : list, optional List of station names to use. If None, all present stations will be used. The default is None. startdt : datetime.datetime, optional The start datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. enddt : datetime.datetime, optional The end datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. plot : bool, optional If True, a diurnal plot is made. The default is True. title : string, optional Title of the figure, if None a default title is generated. The default is None. y_label : string, optional y-axes label of the figure, if None a default label is generated. The default is None. legend : bool, optional I True, a legend is added to the plot. The default is True. errorbands : bool, optional If True, the std is representd in the plot by colored bands. The upper bound represents +1 x std, the lower bound -1 x std. The default is False. show_zero_horizontal : bool, optional If True a horizontal line is drawn in the plot at zero. The default is True. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame() The dataframe containing the aggregated values. Note -------- If a timezone unaware datetime is given as an argument, it is interpreted as if it has the same timezone as the observations. """ assert ( obstype in self.obstypes ), f"{obstype} is not a known observation type: \n {self.obstypes}" Obstype = self.obstypes[obstype] obsdf = self.df obsdf = obsdf[].reset_index() # extract refernce from observations refdf = obsdf[obsdf["name"] == refstation] obsdf = obsdf[obsdf["name"] != refstation] assert ( not refdf.empty ), f"Error: No reference observation found (after filtering) for {refstation}" assert not obsdf.empty, "Error: No observation found (after filtering)" # Syncronize observations with the reference observations refdf = refdf.rename( columns={ "ref_" +, "datetime": "ref_datetime"} ) mergedf = pd.merge_asof( left=obsdf.sort_values("datetime"), right=refdf[["ref_datetime", "ref_" +]].sort_values( "ref_datetime" ), right_on="ref_datetime", left_on="datetime", direction="nearest", tolerance=pd.Timedelta(tolerance), ) # Get differnces mergedf["temp"] = mergedf["temp"] - mergedf["ref_temp"] # Subset to relavent columns mergedf = mergedf.reset_index() mergedf = mergedf[["name", "datetime",]] mergedf = mergedf.set_index(["name", "datetime"]) # title if title is None: if startdt is None: if enddt is None: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle, with {refstation} as reference," else: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle, with {refstation} as reference, until {enddt}" else: if enddt is None: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle, with {refstation} as reference, from {startdt}" else: title = f"Hourly average {} diurnal cycle, with {refstation} as reference, for period {startdt} - {enddt}" else: title = str(title) # ylabel if y_label is None: y_label = f"{Obstype.get_plot_y_label()}" else: y_label = str(y_label) stats = self.get_aggregated_cycle_statistics(, stations=stations, aggregation=[colorby], aggregation_method="mean", horizontal_axis="hour", startdt=startdt, enddt=enddt, plot=plot, title=title, y_label=y_label, legend=legend, errorbands=errorbands, verbose=_return_all_stats, _obsdf=mergedf, _show_zero_line=show_zero_horizontal, ) return stats
[docs] def get_aggregated_cycle_statistics( self, obstype="temp", aggregation=["lcz", "datetime"], aggregation_method="mean", horizontal_axis="hour", stations=None, startdt=None, enddt=None, plot=True, title=None, y_label=None, legend=True, errorbands=False, verbose=False, _obsdf=None, _show_zero_line=False, ): """Create an average cycle for an aggregated categorie. A commen example is to aggregate to the LCZ's, so to get the diurnal cycle per LCZ rather than per station. (In the plot, each aggregated category different from datetime, is represed by a line.) Parameters ---------- obstype : str, optional Element of the metobs_toolkit.observation_types The default is 'temp'. aggregation : list, optional List of variables to aggregate to. These variables should either a categorical observation type, a categorical column in the metadf or a time aggregation. All possible time aggreagetions are: ['minute', 'hour', 'month', 'year', 'day_of_year', 'week_of_year', 'season']. The default is ['lcz', 'datetime']. aggregation_method : str, optional Which (numpy) function is used to aggregate the observations. The default is 'mean'. horizontal_axis : str, optional Which aggregated value will be represented on the horizontal axis of the plot. The default is 'hour'. stations : list, optional List of station names to use. If None, all present stations will be used. The default is None. startdt : datetime.datetime, optional The start datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. enddt : datetime.datetime, optional The end datetime of the observations to use. If None, all timestamps will be used. The default is None. plot : bool, optional If True, a diurnal plot is made. The default is True. title : string, optional Title of the figure, if None a default title is generated. The default is None. y_label : string, optional y-axes label of the figure, if None a default label is generated. The default is None. legend : bool, optional I True, a legend is added to the plot. The default is True. errorbands : bool, optional If True, the std is representd in the plot by colored bands. The default is False. verbose : True, optional If True, an additional dataframe with aggregation information is returned . The default is False. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame() The dataframe containing the aggregated values. Note ------- If a timezone unaware datetime is given as an argument, it is interpreted as if it has the same timezone as the observations. """ assert ( obstype in self.obstypes ), f"{obstype} is not a known observation type: \n {self.obstypes}" Obstype = self.obstypes[obstype] if _obsdf is None: obsdf = self.df[[obstype]] else: obsdf = _obsdf assert not obsdf.empty, f"Error: No observations in the analysis.df: {self.df}" # Filter stations if stations is not None: if isinstance(stations, str): stations = [stations] obsdf = subset_stations(obsdf, stations) assert ( not obsdf.empty ), f"Error: No more observations after subsetting to {stations}" # Filter datetimes obsdf = datetime_subsetting(df=obsdf, starttime=startdt, endtime=enddt) assert ( not obsdf.empty ), f"Error: No more observations after subsetting to {startdt} and {enddt}" startdt = obsdf.index.get_level_values("datetime").min() enddt = obsdf.index.get_level_values("datetime").max() # add hour to aggregation (will be the x-axis) if horizontal_axis not in aggregation: aggregation.insert(0, horizontal_axis) # add other methods for errorbands and stats methods = ["mean", "std", "median"] methods.append(aggregation_method) methods = list(set(methods)) # compute the aggregation statistics aggdf = self.aggregate_df(df=obsdf, agg=aggregation, method=methods) # since only one observation type is in the stats, drop the column # level with the obstye, this is not relevant aggdf = aggdf.droplevel(0, axis="columns") # format dataframe for plotting # Categories to string format aggdf = aggdf.reset_index() for idx_col in aggdf: if idx_col == horizontal_axis: continue # if numeric, let it be numeric! aggdf[idx_col] = aggdf[idx_col].astype(str) aggdf = aggdf.set_index(aggregation) # sorting cateigories (months and seisons) seasons = ["winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn"] months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ] season_order_dict = {} months_order_dict = {} for i, item in enumerate(seasons): season_order_dict[item] = i for i, item in enumerate(months): months_order_dict[item] = i # Sort columns aggdf = aggdf.reset_index() sort_list = aggregation.copy() if "season" in aggdf.columns: aggdf["season_num"] = aggdf["season"].map(season_order_dict) sort_list = ["season_num" if x == "season" else x for x in sort_list] if "month" in aggdf.columns: aggdf["month_num"] = aggdf["month"].map(months_order_dict) sort_list = ["month_num" if x == "month" else x for x in sort_list] # sort dataframe aggdf = aggdf.sort_values(sort_list, axis=0) # drop dummy num coluns (if they are present) aggdf = aggdf.drop(columns=["season_num", "month_num"], errors="ignore") # reset the index aggdf = aggdf.set_index(aggregation) # unstack aggregation aggregation.remove(horizontal_axis) # let horizontal axes be the index all_stats = aggdf.unstack(aggregation) # return on verbose # Sort index if categorical if == "season": all_stats = all_stats.reindex(seasons) if == "month": all_stats = all_stats.reindex(months) # split in values and std values_df = all_stats[aggregation_method] std_df = all_stats["std"] # make sure all data is numeric values_df = values_df.astype(float) std_df = std_df.astype(float) # squize all column levels to one category for plotting if len(aggregation) > 1: # more than one level for the columns values_df.columns = [ " ,".join(col).strip() for col in values_df.columns.values ] std_df.columns = [" ,".join(col).strip() for col in std_df.columns.values] if plot: # generate title if title is None: startdtstr = datetime.strftime( startdt,["print_fmt_datetime"] ) enddtstr = datetime.strftime( enddt,["print_fmt_datetime"] ) title = f"{aggregation_method} - {horizontal_axis } {} cycle for period {startdtstr} - {enddtstr} grouped by {aggregation}" # ylabel if y_label is None: y_label = f"{Obstype.get_plot_y_label()}" else: y_label = str(y_label) # generate errorbands df if errorbands: stddf = std_df else: stddf = None # Make plot ax = cycle_plot( cycledf=values_df, errorbandsdf=stddf, title=title,["plot_settings"]["diurnal"], aggregation=aggregation, # data_template=self.data_template,, y_label=y_label, legend=legend, show_zero_horizontal=_show_zero_line, ) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if horizontal_axis == "hour": # extract timezone tzstring = str(self.df.index.get_level_values("datetime").tz) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter("{x:.0f} h") ax.set_xlabel(f"Hours (timezone: {tzstring})") if verbose: if plot: return values_df, all_stats, ax return values_df, all_stats return values_df
# ============================================================================= # Correlations analysis # =============================================================================
[docs] def get_lc_correlation_matrices(self, obstype=["temp"], groupby_labels=["hour"]): """Compute pearson correlation coeficients. A method to compute the Pearson correlation between an obervation type and present landcover fractions in the metadf. The correlations are computed per group as defined by unique combinations of the groupby_labels. A dictionary is returnd where each key represents a unique combination of the groupby_labels. The value is a dictionary with the following keys and values: * cor matrix: the Pearson correlation matrix * significance matrix: the significance (p-)values of the correlations. * combined matrix: A human readable combination of the correlations and their p values. Indicate by \*, \*\* or \*\*\* representing p-values < 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively. This dictionary is also stored as a lc_cor_dict attribute. Parameters ---------- obstype : str, or list optional The observation type(s) to compute the correlations on. The default is ['temp']. groupby_labels : list, optional List of variables to form one group, resulting in one correlation. These variables should either a categorical observation type, a categorical column in the metadf or a time aggregation. All possible time aggreagetions are: ['minute', 'hour', 'month', 'year', 'day_of_year', 'week_of_year', 'season']. The default is ['hour']. Returns ------- cor_dict : dict A nested dictionary with unique combinations of groupby values. """ if not isinstance(obstype, list): obstype = [obstype] # get data df = self.df[obstype].reset_index() df = _make_time_derivatives(df, groupby_labels) for group_lab in groupby_labels: if group_lab in self.metadf.columns: df = df.merge( self.metadf[[group_lab]], how="left", left_on="name", right_index=True, ) for group_lab in groupby_labels: assert ( group_lab in df.columns ), f'"{group_lab}" is found in the observations of possible groupby_labels.' # subset columns relev_columns = [label for label in groupby_labels] # to avoid deep copy import relev_columns.append("name") relev_columns.extend(obstype) df = df[relev_columns] # find landcover columnnames in the metadf lc_columns = [ col for col in self.metadf.columns if (("_" in col) & (col.endswith("m"))) ] # get landcover data lc_df = self.metadf[lc_columns] if lc_df.empty: logger.warning( "No landcover columns found in the metadf. Landcover correlations cannot be computed." ) return None # merge together df = df.merge(lc_df, how="left", left_on="name", right_index=True) # remove name column if it is not explicit in the groupby labels if "name" not in groupby_labels: df = df.drop(columns=["name"]) # create return cor_dict = {} # Iterate over all groups # avoid futur pandas warning for groupby labels of len==1 if len(groupby_labels) == 1: groups = df.groupby(groupby_labels[0]) else: groups = df.groupby(groupby_labels) for group_lab, groupdf in groups: # No correlations can be computed when no variance is found if groupdf.shape[0] <= 1: logger.warning( f"No variance found in correlationd group {group_lab}. Correlation thus not be computed for this group: {groupdf}." ) continue # drop groupby labels groupdf = groupdf.drop(columns=groupby_labels, errors="ignore") rho = groupdf.corr(method="pearson") pval = groupdf.corr(method=lambda x, y: pearsonr(x, y)[1]) - np.eye( *rho.shape ) # represent p values by stars p_stars = pval.applymap( lambda x: "".join(["*" for t in [0.05, 0.01, 0.001] if x <= t]) ) # combined human readable df comb_df = pd.DataFrame(index=rho.index) for col in rho.columns: comb_df[col] = ( rho[col].apply(lambda x: f"{x:.02f}") + " " + p_stars[col] ) cor_dict[group_lab] = { "cor matrix": rho, "significance matrix": pval, "combined matrix": comb_df, } # Update attribute self.lc_cor_dict = cor_dict self._lc_cor_obstype = obstype self._lc_groupby_labels = groupby_labels return cor_dict
[docs] def plot_correlation_heatmap( self, groupby_value=None, title=None, _return_ax=False ): """Make a heatmap plot af a correaltion matrix. To specify which correlation matrix to plot, specify the group value using the groupby_value argument. All possible groupby_values are the keys of the lc_cor_dict attribute. Parameters ---------- groupby_value : str, num, None, optional A groupby value to indicate which correlation matrix to visualise. If None is given, the first groupby value that is present is chosen.The default is None. title : str, optional Title of the figure. If None, a default title is constructed.The default is None. Returns ------- None. Note ------ To list all possible groupby_values, one can use ` print(Analysis_instance.lc_cor_dict.keys())` """ # check if there are correlation matrices assert bool( self.lc_cor_dict ), "No correlation matrices found, use the metod get_lc_correlation_matrices first." if groupby_value is None: groupby_value = list(self.lc_cor_dict.keys())[0] logger.warning( "No groupby_value is given, so the first groupby value (={groupby_value}) will be used!" ) f"The correlations are computed over {self._lc_groupby_labels} with the following unique values: {list(self.lc_cor_dict.keys())}" ) # check if groupby value exists assert ( groupby_value in self.lc_cor_dict.keys() ), f"{groupby_value} not found as a groupby value. These are all the possible values: {self.lc_cor_dict.keys()}" if title is None: title = f"Correlation heatmap for group: {self._lc_groupby_labels} = {groupby_value}" ax = heatmap_plot( cor_dict=self.lc_cor_dict[groupby_value], title=title,["plot_settings"]["correlation_heatmap"], ) if _return_ax: return ax
[docs] def plot_correlation_variation(self, title=None): """Create correlation scatter plot. Make a scatter plot of the correlations to visualise differences between multiple group values. Group values are represented by the horizontal axes, and correlations on the vertical axe. All correlations, that are not constant, are plotted as scatters with unique colors. The scatter marker indicates the p-value of the correlations. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the figure. If None, a default title is constructed. The default is None. Returns ------- None. Note ------ If to many possible group values exist, one can use the apply_filter() method to reduce the group values. """ # check if there are correlation matrices assert bool( self.lc_cor_dict ), "No correlation matrices found, use the metod get_lc_correlation_matrices first." # check if correlation evolution information is available if len(self.lc_cor_dict.keys()) <= 1: logger.warning( f"Only one correlation group is found: {self.lc_cor_dict.keys()}" ) logger.warning("The variance plot can not be made.") return if title is None: title = f"Correlation scatter for group: {self._lc_groupby_labels}" ax = correlation_scatter( full_cor_dict=self.lc_cor_dict, groupby_labels=self._lc_groupby_labels, obstypes=self._lc_cor_obstype, title=title,["plot_settings"][ "correlation_scatter" ], ) return ax
def _make_time_derivatives(df, required, get_all=False): """Construct time derivated columns if required. datetime must be a column. """ if ("minute" in required) | (get_all): df["minute"] = df["datetime"].dt.minute if ("hour" in required) | (get_all): df["hour"] = df["datetime"].dt.hour if ("month" in required) | (get_all): df["month"] = df["datetime"].dt.month_name() if ("year" in required) | (get_all): df["year"] = df["datetime"].dt.year if ("day_of_year" in required) | (get_all): df["day_of_year"] = df["datetime"].dt.day_of_year if ("week_of_year" in required) | (get_all): df["week_of_year"] = df["datetime"].dt.isocalendar()["week"] if ("season" in required) | (get_all): df["season"] = get_seasons(df["datetime"]) return df def get_seasons( datetimeseries, start_day_spring="01/03", start_day_summer="01/06", start_day_autumn="01/09", start_day_winter="01/12", ): """Convert a datetimeseries to a season label (i.g. categorical). Parameters ---------- datetimeseries : datetime.datetime The timeseries that you want to split up in seasons. start_day_spring : str , optional Start date for spring, default is '01/03' and if changed the input should have the same format as the default value. start_day_summer : str , optional Start date for summer, default is '01/06' and if changed the input should have the same format as the default value. start_day_autumn : str , optional Start date for autumn, default is '01/09' and if changed the input should have the same format as the default value. start_day_winter : str , optional Start date for winter, default is '01/12' and if changed the input should have the same format as the default value. Returns ------- output : dataframe A obtained dataframe that has where a label for the seasons has been added. """ spring_startday = datetime.strptime(start_day_spring, "%d/%m") summer_startday = datetime.strptime(start_day_summer, "%d/%m") autumn_startday = datetime.strptime(start_day_autumn, "%d/%m") winter_startday = datetime.strptime(start_day_winter, "%d/%m") seasons = pd.Series( index=["spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"], data=[spring_startday, summer_startday, autumn_startday, winter_startday], name="startdt", ).to_frame() seasons["day_of_year"] = seasons["startdt"].dt.day_of_year - 1 bins = [0] bins.extend(seasons["day_of_year"].to_list()) bins.append(366) labels = ["winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"] return pd.cut( x=datetimeseries.dt.day_of_year, bins=bins, labels=labels, ordered=False, ) def filter_data(df, metadf, quarry_str): """Filter a dataframe by a user definde string expression. This can be used to filter the observation to specific meteorological conditions (i.e. low windspeeds, high humidity, cold temperatures, ...) The filter expression contains only columns present in the df and/or the metadf. The filtered df and metadf are returned Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe containing all the observations to be filterd. metadf : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe containig all the metadata per station. quarry_str : str A filter expression using columnnames present in either df or metadf. The following timestamp derivatives can be used as well: [minute, hour, month, year, day_of_year, week_of_year, season]. The quarry_str may contain number and expressions like <, >, ==, >=, \*, +, .... Multiple filters can be combine to one expression by using & (AND) and | (OR). Returns ------- filter_df : pandas.DataFrame The filtered df. filter_metadf : pandas.DataFrame The filtered metadf. """ # save index order and names for reconstruction df_init_idx = list(df.index.names) metadf_init_idx = list(metadf.index.names) # easyer for sperationg them df = df.reset_index() metadf = metadf.reset_index() # save columns orders df_init_cols = df.columns metadf_init_cols = metadf.columns # create time derivative columns df = _make_time_derivatives(df, required=" ", get_all=True) # merge together on name mergedf = df.merge(metadf, how="left", on="name") # apply filter filtered = mergedf.query(expr=quarry_str) # split to df and metadf filter_df = filtered[df_init_cols] filter_metadf = filtered[metadf_init_cols] # set indexes filter_df = filter_df.set_index(df_init_idx) filter_metadf = filter_metadf.set_index(metadf_init_idx) return filter_df, filter_metadf